Saturday, July 7, 2012

Student Choice Assignment #12

The Savior's instructions about the Holy Ghost

1. 1)What the Holy Ghost does    2) What we must do to receive the Holy Ghost
John 14:15-17 - 1) Dwells within us; Comforts
                          2) We need to keep the commandments
John 14:26-27 - 1) Teaches; Brings things to remembrance 
                          2) We need to not be troubled or afraid
John 15:26-27 - 1) Testifies of the Lord
                          2) We need to bear witness of the Lord
John 16:7-8 - 1) Reprove the world of sin, righteousness, and judgement
                      2) Listen to Him
John 16:13-14 - 1) Guide us in all truth; Won't speak of Himself, but will speak of things that He hears                           and things to come; Will glorify the Lord
                          2) Listen

2. "The Holy Ghost brings man to fullest potential"
          1) Purifies passions; inspires righteous feelings; brings joy to the heart
          2) Create an atmosphere that would welcome Him in
     "As a messenger of the Godhead, the Holy Ghost teaches faithful members"
          1) Instructs and enlightens minds; bears witness of the truth; carries out the Lord's will
          2) Be faithful and obey the Lord's commandments
     Holy Ghost
          1) Sanctifies a person; speaks the truth
          2) Be baptized

3. The Holy Ghost helped the apostles after the Savior's death and resurrection by comforting them and reminding them that this was what the Savior was meant to do. 

A time in my life when the Holy Ghost was there was when I was deciding whether I should marry my (now husband). I didn't date a lot in high school and so when I started getting serious in my relationship with him, I worried that I was just jumping into something. I prayed and went to the temple a lot, and asked my friends and family how they felt about it during this time. They all reassured me that they thought he was a real gem and I felt nothing but comfort in the temple. I believe it was the Holy Ghost who was speaking through all of those people to me. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Student Choice Assignment #11

A New Commandment

1. According to John 13:34-35, the way we can show that we are disciples of the Lord is to love one another. When Jesus was on the earth, all He did was show love for the children of God. That was His example, and if we follow it humbly, we will represent Him and people will know that we are His disciples.

2. Two examples:
     - If someone is being made fun of for the way that they dress, I would tell them that I think they look great and that if they like it, that's all that matters. That would show them that I care about how they feel.
     - If I saw a new person at church, I would go sit by them during the meetings and get to know them. Who knows, they might become my best friend. This would make them feel like they are accepted into the new place that they're in, and wrapped in the arms of the Lord's love.

3. I've thought about if I treat people like a disciple of Christ would, and I think I could greatly improve in this area. I have chosen my husband to work on this with. I plan to make Garret feel the love of the Lord by asking the Lord to bless him in all of my prayers, rubbing his feet without being asked (they get pretty sore from walking all day), and saying motivational things to him everyday so that his confidence in selling will stay high. I want to do this because I love him and want to show the Lord that I love Him too and will be a disciple unto Him.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Student Choice Assignment #10

Preparing for the Savior's second coming

1. The Savior points out multiple things that we could 'watch' or 'take heed' for, but here are three:
     - "Take heed lest any man deceive you" Look out for those who are trying to lead you astray
     - "Watch and pray" Be faithful in your prayers and stay close to your Father in Heaven always
     - "Take heed: behold, I have foretold you all things" He has given us everything that we need to be                
safe, we just have to listen to those things now

2. Truths taught in other scriptures...
     - D&C 87:8 teaches that we need to "stand in holy places" like church meetings, mutual activities, temple, seminary, etc.
     - JSM 1:32 teaches that we need to accept that the "abomination of desolation" is going to and has to happen for us to know when the time has come.
     - JSM 1:37 teaches us to "treasureth up [His] word" and make it the number one priority in our life. When we do this, we will understand what is really important and why the family is central to the plan.
     - JSM 1:46-50 teaches us to be faithful and live the gospel always because no one knows the day the Lord will come, and we have to be prepared for that day as if it was tomorrow.
     - D&C 33:17 teaches that we need to keep strengthening our testimonies and be ready to humbly stand at the Savior's feet.
     - D&C 45:56-57 teaches that if we follow the Holy Ghost in all that we do, the second coming will be a great day for us.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Student Choice Assignment #9

The Widow's Mites

1. The widow, who tossed all that she had into the well, truly lived what the Savior taught because she put Him before herself. She gave Him everything that she had because she knew it was important and she loved the Lord. She followed every one of His commandments to their fullest, which is what the Savior asked. "If ye love me, keep my commandments."

2. Even though what she gave was less money than others gave, it was everything she had to give. This is a perfect example of an acceptable offering unto the Lord. It shows that she truly loved the Lord because she gave everything to Him. She knew that the Lord blessed her with everything she had and in return, she gave Him everything she had. When we love the Lord more than anything, this will be easier than we think. No priority will be above Him, and we will know what we need to do. 2 Nephi 25:23 relates to this story when it talks about "by grace that we are saved, after all we can do." This means that according to how much we put in to serving the Lord determines our grace. Then, depending on how great or poor our grace is, determines if we will be saved or not. All in all, we need to keep the story of the widow's mite in our hearts so that we can live after her example and be saved by the Lord.

3. I could better follow the widow's example by giving all my effort into the church. I am usually the one in the back of sunday school who never says anything. I figure that most everyone in there knows all that there is to know, but I know that a shared testimony can always be an insight to someone, even if it's just one person.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Student Choice Assignment # 8

Parables and accounts that teach eternal truths

1. The unjust steward - I think the major principle in this parable is that one unrighteous thing leads to another, but also one righteous thing leads to another. This means that we need to be honest and true in all of our dealings so that throughout our lives, we can continue to be that way with all that we do.

2. The rich man and Lazareth - The major principle I found in this parable is that we are determined worthy or unworthy by our hearts. We have to truly be humble and not think that we are better than anyone. Everyone is equal and should be treated with love and respect.

3. The ten lepers - This parable's principle is that God blesses us so much and we need to say thank you to Him; Just like you would say thank you to someone who held the door open for you. He knows each of us individually and when He helps us, He knows who He is helping. A simple thank you is the least we can do.

4. The unjust judge - I think this parable is teaching that we should not hesitate to help someone. If we can help lighten someone's burdens in any way, we should do it right away. Just like God speedily helps comfort us when we come to Him.

5. The Pharisee and the publican - The major principle in this one is that we should not compare ourselves to others by saying that we are better than them because of this sin they committed or something. We are not to judge them, just like they are not to judge us. Only God will judge His children because His opinion is the only one that matters.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Student Choice Assignment #7

Being a Disciple of Jesus Christ

- Being a disciple of Christ means that you follow the Lord's will no matter what, be willing to give all that you have to serve others, build their soul around those things that are pleasing unto the Lord, aim for the strait gate to heaven, and that you reach out to those who need the help.
The Savior talks about counting the costs in following Him and explains how that means that we need to consider the trials and temptations we may face by following him, and remember them and how they will affect us in the long run to eternal life; To realize the worth it will have.

- One of these things that I could more effectively apply into my life is aiming for the strait gate to heaven. I try to do the things I can to serve others, but I am not very good at improving at it. I do a couple things and think I am good for a while. I know that's a horrible outlook and that's why I am choosing to apply it more in my life. I could do this by never accepting completion of service. My services are not complete until the day I die and can't do it anymore. This would make such a huge difference in my life because it would make me happier. I love helping people and seeing them benefit from it, I just need to do it more. It would make so many people's lives greater and mine.

- Ultimately, to be a disciple of Christ, you have to offer our whole soul and everything that we have to Him. We have to give ourselves completely to Him.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Student Choice Assignment #6

Become as little children

1. We are a lot like little children because we do not fully understand the great blessings that God has prepared for us, and we cannot bear all things now. Just like a little kid who doesn't understand the blessing of going to school and gaining a knowledge, but obviously that will bless them more than they know.
However, the Lord says that he will be there for us and help us along the path to the blessings that have been prepared for us in the eternities.

2. In order to become like a little child, we need to make these adjustments in our lives. We need to yield to the enticings of the Holy Spirit by listening and obeying the advice He give us. We need to put off the natural man, and act like sons and daughters of God. We need to use the atonement and become a saint that has repented and is ready to strive to do that which is pleasing unto the Lord. When we work on these things, we see that we become more submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, and willing to obey all the Lord's commandments.

This was a really good insight for me because I love little kids and wish I was a little kid again all the time. I love the humility that surrounds them and the innocence of the bad things of the world that we all wish we still had. I love this parable.