Saturday, June 23, 2012

Student Choice Assignment #10

Preparing for the Savior's second coming

1. The Savior points out multiple things that we could 'watch' or 'take heed' for, but here are three:
     - "Take heed lest any man deceive you" Look out for those who are trying to lead you astray
     - "Watch and pray" Be faithful in your prayers and stay close to your Father in Heaven always
     - "Take heed: behold, I have foretold you all things" He has given us everything that we need to be                
safe, we just have to listen to those things now

2. Truths taught in other scriptures...
     - D&C 87:8 teaches that we need to "stand in holy places" like church meetings, mutual activities, temple, seminary, etc.
     - JSM 1:32 teaches that we need to accept that the "abomination of desolation" is going to and has to happen for us to know when the time has come.
     - JSM 1:37 teaches us to "treasureth up [His] word" and make it the number one priority in our life. When we do this, we will understand what is really important and why the family is central to the plan.
     - JSM 1:46-50 teaches us to be faithful and live the gospel always because no one knows the day the Lord will come, and we have to be prepared for that day as if it was tomorrow.
     - D&C 33:17 teaches that we need to keep strengthening our testimonies and be ready to humbly stand at the Savior's feet.
     - D&C 45:56-57 teaches that if we follow the Holy Ghost in all that we do, the second coming will be a great day for us.

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