Friday, June 8, 2012

Student Choice Assignment # 8

Parables and accounts that teach eternal truths

1. The unjust steward - I think the major principle in this parable is that one unrighteous thing leads to another, but also one righteous thing leads to another. This means that we need to be honest and true in all of our dealings so that throughout our lives, we can continue to be that way with all that we do.

2. The rich man and Lazareth - The major principle I found in this parable is that we are determined worthy or unworthy by our hearts. We have to truly be humble and not think that we are better than anyone. Everyone is equal and should be treated with love and respect.

3. The ten lepers - This parable's principle is that God blesses us so much and we need to say thank you to Him; Just like you would say thank you to someone who held the door open for you. He knows each of us individually and when He helps us, He knows who He is helping. A simple thank you is the least we can do.

4. The unjust judge - I think this parable is teaching that we should not hesitate to help someone. If we can help lighten someone's burdens in any way, we should do it right away. Just like God speedily helps comfort us when we come to Him.

5. The Pharisee and the publican - The major principle in this one is that we should not compare ourselves to others by saying that we are better than them because of this sin they committed or something. We are not to judge them, just like they are not to judge us. Only God will judge His children because His opinion is the only one that matters.

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