Friday, June 15, 2012

Student Choice Assignment #9

The Widow's Mites

1. The widow, who tossed all that she had into the well, truly lived what the Savior taught because she put Him before herself. She gave Him everything that she had because she knew it was important and she loved the Lord. She followed every one of His commandments to their fullest, which is what the Savior asked. "If ye love me, keep my commandments."

2. Even though what she gave was less money than others gave, it was everything she had to give. This is a perfect example of an acceptable offering unto the Lord. It shows that she truly loved the Lord because she gave everything to Him. She knew that the Lord blessed her with everything she had and in return, she gave Him everything she had. When we love the Lord more than anything, this will be easier than we think. No priority will be above Him, and we will know what we need to do. 2 Nephi 25:23 relates to this story when it talks about "by grace that we are saved, after all we can do." This means that according to how much we put in to serving the Lord determines our grace. Then, depending on how great or poor our grace is, determines if we will be saved or not. All in all, we need to keep the story of the widow's mite in our hearts so that we can live after her example and be saved by the Lord.

3. I could better follow the widow's example by giving all my effort into the church. I am usually the one in the back of sunday school who never says anything. I figure that most everyone in there knows all that there is to know, but I know that a shared testimony can always be an insight to someone, even if it's just one person.

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