Thursday, May 31, 2012

Student Choice Assignment #7

Being a Disciple of Jesus Christ

- Being a disciple of Christ means that you follow the Lord's will no matter what, be willing to give all that you have to serve others, build their soul around those things that are pleasing unto the Lord, aim for the strait gate to heaven, and that you reach out to those who need the help.
The Savior talks about counting the costs in following Him and explains how that means that we need to consider the trials and temptations we may face by following him, and remember them and how they will affect us in the long run to eternal life; To realize the worth it will have.

- One of these things that I could more effectively apply into my life is aiming for the strait gate to heaven. I try to do the things I can to serve others, but I am not very good at improving at it. I do a couple things and think I am good for a while. I know that's a horrible outlook and that's why I am choosing to apply it more in my life. I could do this by never accepting completion of service. My services are not complete until the day I die and can't do it anymore. This would make such a huge difference in my life because it would make me happier. I love helping people and seeing them benefit from it, I just need to do it more. It would make so many people's lives greater and mine.

- Ultimately, to be a disciple of Christ, you have to offer our whole soul and everything that we have to Him. We have to give ourselves completely to Him.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Student Choice Assignment #6

Become as little children

1. We are a lot like little children because we do not fully understand the great blessings that God has prepared for us, and we cannot bear all things now. Just like a little kid who doesn't understand the blessing of going to school and gaining a knowledge, but obviously that will bless them more than they know.
However, the Lord says that he will be there for us and help us along the path to the blessings that have been prepared for us in the eternities.

2. In order to become like a little child, we need to make these adjustments in our lives. We need to yield to the enticings of the Holy Spirit by listening and obeying the advice He give us. We need to put off the natural man, and act like sons and daughters of God. We need to use the atonement and become a saint that has repented and is ready to strive to do that which is pleasing unto the Lord. When we work on these things, we see that we become more submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, and willing to obey all the Lord's commandments.

This was a really good insight for me because I love little kids and wish I was a little kid again all the time. I love the humility that surrounds them and the innocence of the bad things of the world that we all wish we still had. I love this parable.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Student Choice Assignment #5

Walking on the Sea

1. When the apostles first saw the Savior walking on the water, their thoughts were not full of faith. They assumed it was a spirit and it frightened them.

2. Peter responded by wanting proof and asking if he could come unto Him on the water. The Lord granted him to do so and he started walking on the water. This indicates that Peter is kind of a visual believer. He likes to have the proof.

3. Then there was a wind that came and spooked Peter. He began to loose faith that he could actually be standing on water and so he started sinking.

4. As he began to sink, he asked the Lord to save him so he wouldn't drown, and the Lord "immediately" did. I think this shows the personality of Peter pretty clearly. He has a lot of trust in the Lord, but falls down every once in while like the rest of us. However, the important part is that he went to the Lord for help. He probably could have just swam back to the boat, but he knew the Lord was there for him and would help him.

5. In D&C 88:67 it states, "And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things." The principle I got from this was that when you put all of your sights toward the Lord, He will fill you with his love and comfort. You will not feel alone, and will understand the big picture here on earth. I think this relates to the story with Peter because he trusted that the Lord would be able to help him and He did. Peter was comforted in a time that seemed stressful to him and trusted the Lord and His plan for the world. This can even help us today. We go through multiple trials where we need the Lord, and if we trust Him and feel that love and comfort that comes when He willingly gives us a helping hand, we will understand. As we continue to do this, our testimony of this gospel will be strengthened and we will be able to have the comfort to know the truth.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Student Choice Assignment #4


1. From reading the section on parables in the bible dictionary, I conclude that parables are not for everyone. They are for people who can understand principles and see them being used in stories. People who are looking for ways to better their lives and learn new principles.

2. Question - parable that relates to it

- What describes the future growth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Gospel net; The more missionaries we get out there, there will be an increase in the number of people being touched by the gospel and being able to join the Church.
- Why does the Church send out so many missionaries? Gospel net; Same as above.
- How do you explain the remarkable growth of the Church, considering that it is fairly new compared to most religions and started small in the American Frontier? Mustard seed; When something is new, as long as it is taken care of and nurtured, it will grow exceedingly.
- Why are some of the members of the Church willing to sacrifice so much worldly wealth and recognition in order to maintain membership in the Church? Pearl of great price; When people see how great the blessings of the church are and how much better they feel when they are doing things that are pleasing unto the Lord, they want it. They like the way it makes them feel and want to continue in it and keep it close to them.
- Why do some Church members choose to leave the church? Tares; Sometimes people don't want to mend themselves and be healed by the Lord due to embarrassment or shame.

3. 1) Some sacrifices that I am willing to make for the gospel are immodest clothing, tea, coffee, and all of the things that we are commanded not to do. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for this gospel. It is the basis of my life and the only way that I will be with my wonderful husband forever :)
Some things that I have seen people give up for the gospel is alchohol, smoking, and just common lifestyle habits like that to be able to be baptized. I have a Grandma who is a perfect example of this.

2) In Matthew 13:47, I think the net represents the gospel. To be gathered into the net means that a missionary has contacted them, a relative is trying to tell them about it, or in some way, their life is being touched by the gospel. When they talk about gathering the good and casting out the bad, I think it means that they are trying to find those who want it and will accept the gospel. They want to help those who seek.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Student Choice Assignment #3

1. Three apostles that I learned about in these chapters were Bartholomew, Simon, and Judas Iscariot. Bartholomew was also known as Nathanael, and had a really strong friendship with Phillip (another apostle). Simon was also called Peter, and he was like a brother to Jesus. Judas Iscariot was the only apostle who was not a Galilean.

2. Apostles are witnesses of the resurrection of Christ. They are the ones chosen and sent forth by Him to be an example to the people when He is back in Heaven. They represent the Father in Heaven.

3. The Savior's teachings in Matthew 10 definitely prepared His twelve apostles for the times ahead. He told them exactly what was going to happen to them and that it was going to be hard, but that they could do it and how they could do it. He gave them every instance that people would try to pull and if that was accepted by Him  or not.

4. In Luke 5, it talks about how Peter, James, and John answered the Lord's call. They were in distress with their fishing and the Savior asked them to fish for men instead of fish. They gave up everything right then to do as the Savior had asked. They 'forsook all and followed Him.' That would take so much faith to do that. That was probably the only job they had and you need a job to live. However, there was another, more important job for them that the Savior led them too. The Lord knows what He is doing and would never lead us astray. It may not be the way we intend, but it is the way that will bless us most if we follow it. I can apply this in my life because I have no idea what I am going to do for my career. I thought I had it all planned out, but something made me turn away from it. I don't really know where I'm going now, but I know as long as I'm being faithful and trusting the Lord always that everything will work out.