Friday, May 18, 2012

Student Choice Assignment #5

Walking on the Sea

1. When the apostles first saw the Savior walking on the water, their thoughts were not full of faith. They assumed it was a spirit and it frightened them.

2. Peter responded by wanting proof and asking if he could come unto Him on the water. The Lord granted him to do so and he started walking on the water. This indicates that Peter is kind of a visual believer. He likes to have the proof.

3. Then there was a wind that came and spooked Peter. He began to loose faith that he could actually be standing on water and so he started sinking.

4. As he began to sink, he asked the Lord to save him so he wouldn't drown, and the Lord "immediately" did. I think this shows the personality of Peter pretty clearly. He has a lot of trust in the Lord, but falls down every once in while like the rest of us. However, the important part is that he went to the Lord for help. He probably could have just swam back to the boat, but he knew the Lord was there for him and would help him.

5. In D&C 88:67 it states, "And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things." The principle I got from this was that when you put all of your sights toward the Lord, He will fill you with his love and comfort. You will not feel alone, and will understand the big picture here on earth. I think this relates to the story with Peter because he trusted that the Lord would be able to help him and He did. Peter was comforted in a time that seemed stressful to him and trusted the Lord and His plan for the world. This can even help us today. We go through multiple trials where we need the Lord, and if we trust Him and feel that love and comfort that comes when He willingly gives us a helping hand, we will understand. As we continue to do this, our testimony of this gospel will be strengthened and we will be able to have the comfort to know the truth.

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