Saturday, May 12, 2012

Student Choice Assignment #4


1. From reading the section on parables in the bible dictionary, I conclude that parables are not for everyone. They are for people who can understand principles and see them being used in stories. People who are looking for ways to better their lives and learn new principles.

2. Question - parable that relates to it

- What describes the future growth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Gospel net; The more missionaries we get out there, there will be an increase in the number of people being touched by the gospel and being able to join the Church.
- Why does the Church send out so many missionaries? Gospel net; Same as above.
- How do you explain the remarkable growth of the Church, considering that it is fairly new compared to most religions and started small in the American Frontier? Mustard seed; When something is new, as long as it is taken care of and nurtured, it will grow exceedingly.
- Why are some of the members of the Church willing to sacrifice so much worldly wealth and recognition in order to maintain membership in the Church? Pearl of great price; When people see how great the blessings of the church are and how much better they feel when they are doing things that are pleasing unto the Lord, they want it. They like the way it makes them feel and want to continue in it and keep it close to them.
- Why do some Church members choose to leave the church? Tares; Sometimes people don't want to mend themselves and be healed by the Lord due to embarrassment or shame.

3. 1) Some sacrifices that I am willing to make for the gospel are immodest clothing, tea, coffee, and all of the things that we are commanded not to do. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for this gospel. It is the basis of my life and the only way that I will be with my wonderful husband forever :)
Some things that I have seen people give up for the gospel is alchohol, smoking, and just common lifestyle habits like that to be able to be baptized. I have a Grandma who is a perfect example of this.

2) In Matthew 13:47, I think the net represents the gospel. To be gathered into the net means that a missionary has contacted them, a relative is trying to tell them about it, or in some way, their life is being touched by the gospel. When they talk about gathering the good and casting out the bad, I think it means that they are trying to find those who want it and will accept the gospel. They want to help those who seek.

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