Friday, May 25, 2012

Student Choice Assignment #6

Become as little children

1. We are a lot like little children because we do not fully understand the great blessings that God has prepared for us, and we cannot bear all things now. Just like a little kid who doesn't understand the blessing of going to school and gaining a knowledge, but obviously that will bless them more than they know.
However, the Lord says that he will be there for us and help us along the path to the blessings that have been prepared for us in the eternities.

2. In order to become like a little child, we need to make these adjustments in our lives. We need to yield to the enticings of the Holy Spirit by listening and obeying the advice He give us. We need to put off the natural man, and act like sons and daughters of God. We need to use the atonement and become a saint that has repented and is ready to strive to do that which is pleasing unto the Lord. When we work on these things, we see that we become more submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, and willing to obey all the Lord's commandments.

This was a really good insight for me because I love little kids and wish I was a little kid again all the time. I love the humility that surrounds them and the innocence of the bad things of the world that we all wish we still had. I love this parable.

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